I feel weighed down by hopelessness
when I taste longing. That is the point
of prison I guess. And now we are drinking
I imagine you putting your hand
up my dress. My new dress
I imagine you putting your hand up
my dress. My new dress with the slit
on the left is how, yes
with the toxic glamour of the recitation
of your history turned on by baring
abjection. I will become the vomit emoji
umbrella-less and gleaming with grins
Yesterday I couldn’t sell more than one dress
from a bag stuffed with dresses. I was weeping
at the creation of a new duke and duchess
The dewiness of the grasses slaps my shoe-tops
Dressed in an undersea forest, girls enjoy their floaty skirts
It is more convenient not to notice your own thefts
or who starved themselves to death from homesickness
(the crocodiles and only them, in low pens
under the Colosseum). But who will be
our witnesses. Tomorrow the moon
of helpless rage—I know I promised to be fine
and I will eat I will eat I will eat
this stalk of broccoli at 3am
squatting feral by the crisper leaking brightness
Your sullen mask I am not even allowed to see
This stolidness is my only honest expression