we meet inside the dark/ & holy & underground/ inside a pyramid that holds sturdy/ there is only/ ceiling equipment that records holy/ & my skin shining from internal// we been nomading/ so long across distant expanse/ ancestors brought by ship/ ancestors that escaped by canoe/ that marooned up in sacred/ that blew fire across cotton/ the fine light of this holy/ holy/ holy// how do we make bridges across/ burning/ fields? our ancestors huddle up/ trade domino tiles & cowry/ shells for our crossing/ the way inward to home/ is the way outward now/ find the pyramid my love & all is right/ it is built inside chest/ studio/ across mouth & tongue/ it forms & skins & holds us inside/ but we hold fear on/ our tongues used/ phosphorus & chlorate we cannot forget the past/ of each other/ you remember/ me as bold & wild with a cavity of laughter/ i remember you/ as a young man whom/ my grandmother put before me// it is forward & not behind/ time doubled/ temple to two/ it knows dream/ moves beyond these bones/ calls us home/ oh holy of holiness/ let us Rumba/ meet on sand/ carry copper/ slip our hands to sea/ build fire at night/ & eat smoke/ it is only the variables of light/ that separate us from home