in one (1) movie the woman -
tied to a cell toilet -
is fucked by six (6) pretend policemen.
it is thrilling
as i hate police
but more and more (7, 8)
I hate myself the most and most. (X, Y)
i saw two (2) the other day
both good looking
and felt it was a shame
as they will be the first (1st) to die.
and in the movie they will die as well
but only when i come
because i hate myself determinedly
more post-death (0)
than anyone who’s ever fucked me (19).
another movie. (1.1)
a woman rides a bicycle
with handles like two (2) fecund corns on cobs
that prop her wrists
(which look a lot like mine. 2,
1, depending).
in another movie altogether (1.2)
i debase myself
by doing what i want.