And I know for certain he’s not
But believe you me I believe in mad bank
Which he has I assume
And we’re both obsessed with
Like most people who deal in skeeball
Alone or in orders of magnitude
And I’m jeal
So so much depends
On being yr own chief bff
And advocating 4 yrself
And keeping it 100
No correction factor
Advancing place value by
Eight thousand
Instead of going to a sold out (?) arena
Or your friend’s good party
By playing skeeball at 10:30 on a Friday night
In fact there should be a song about
The sort of process you go through
In medicine when someone says “own your patients!”
And in music when someone says “sell out the arena!”
That is not “One (Is the Loneliest Number)”
And not the original but the cover by Three Dog Night
My song is called I do it for the family next to me in the skeeball lane
And so I left a free preventive medicine screening guidebook in the accelerator toy car
For the arena night crew to clean up
And frontin’ in frontispiece
I inscribed it I really did to no one
But also to a mathlete dying young.