Rig a harpsichord gravel under spokes. In like fashion a prodigy
draws the attention of a duke, marooned. Spangling boot estuary
gloam & from that moment somnolizing hautboys & bassoon taken
to swim. The quick fugue gesture of luminary legs a shoulder shoaling
beneath the cylinder of his shadowed rib.
The trying awe of garnet worn into lattice residuum. Lions adream in
crib lily pulver. Victor Hugo is said to have carved the furniture with
his teeth. There are no more eclogues today the seaweed divinity nilling.
Here is an unsolicited collage of skyward panic, a room of anemones
whose compartmentalizing weasel mouth sometimes puts forth a sward.
Of disputed brightness. Who wheezes binnacle & frequents listening
thicket. Wax foot coverslip courtship hatch in a swell, a chapel liveliness
mulling where the abridgement glitched. We went bingo, a sheet of pearl
at a level line, a bed of grief sunk into itself like Flemish star oil.
Gladiolus, the trapp rock over there.
Who could sleep with all that grifting chrysalis. Chased flat against the star-
eyed wall. Its maker met in a godlet cage.