Farnsworth House, a Single-Room Glass House, Plano, Illinois (1945–50)

Douglas Luman

It was in the house of morning
& evening—between the glass walls—
steel for the memoir. Let us say
beautiful comes later in pictures. You
become important because you become
decorative. You meaning the idea of


Write a definition of structure or
a list of furniture.


The road traveled like the floor
buckled, opening as a prayer book;
beneath it all there’s a haven or
lawn & if you ask it to blossom, it


The profundity of nothingness
is the emptiness of a sink.


Think of how all houses are
crucibles of loneliness anchored
to the landscape—an explanation
of planar relationships: doubts
filling space.


Chairs in the sun are opaque,
& constitute a form—how some
people are exhibition, bodies
a framework for a body. 

Conceal—meaning privacy; meaning
fence; meaning hedge; meaning glass cage.


If agreeing to retreat,
then, a house is a theory
of unity, some degree
of museum. But what
to display—a storm or
a sanctuary? 


The paved path was evidence
of life, a project of endings that shears
in the way memory would.

Even clothes begin to picture
an architecture & pictures
prove some living



Text is adapted from: Friedman, Alice T., Women and the Making of the Modern House: A Social and Architectural History. Yale University Press, 2006: 127–147.