Welcome to tonight’s special installment
The one and lonely
Babylonian Baloney
Soap Opera
Coming to you
Live and on fire
O Sumerian high spot
Your recent spout
Got me head-locked
In crackup mode
But this storm of machine display huffing
Is a prize
No one would drink of administering
To a vacated mannequin
Much less shovel inside totem
Tattooed with outline of extinct blue aphrodisiac
Maybe you should rethink your objectives
Based on remaining tent stakes
Holding down last reality flaps
Perhaps you should pen a confessional poem
In which one of you is afflicted (or conflicted?)
With gobs of properly vetted sorrow
While the other (the Other!) hugs
Latest example of imported dignity
Call it the human equation factor
And add Lachrymose
(Not, lack remorse)
To your vocabulary of hot spots
You too have learned to bake
Unfortunate omissions
Into an admirable lie
Build towering wet rind
Plastered with gold stars and wolf whistles
In the meantime, however, you should
Practice your composure
Adjust your public valve release,
Check on inner corpse
Bobbing convulsively
In far and foreign corners
Exercises in patience
Are a controlled form
Of delayed gratification
For the greater good